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“Exploring Florence’s Heights: Viale dei Colli and Forte di Belvedere”

VIALE DEI COLLI AND PIAZZALE MICHELANGELO – The Viale dei Colli (Hill Avenue) winds for about six kilometers on the heights around the south side of the city, providing spots with fascinating views. It was laid out in 1868 by the architect Giuseppe Poggi, who also made the plans for the Piazzale Michelangelo, an enormous terrace overlooking Florence. In the piazzale are copies of Michelangelo’s sculptures: David and the four allegorical figures on the Medici tombs in the New Sacristy of San Lorenzo. In the background, set above the piazzale is the Palazzina del Caffè (1873), also by Poggi, which partly hides the churches of St. Salvatore and St. Miniato al Monte.


FORTE DI BELVEDERE – The Forte di Belvedere, or of St. George, was commissioned to Buontalenti (1590-95) by Ferdinando I. The building, set on a hilltop south of the Arno, dominates the city and the river from within its star-shaped fortified walls. The protected access is through an entrance hall and reaches the terrace in front of the Palazzetto, which is now used for exhibitions and art happenings. An opening in the bastions communicates with the Boboli Gardens below.